TPS Extension: Countries and New Dates

Want to know how the recent TPS extension (Temporary Protected Status) may affect your life in the United States? This week, key information and new changes to the TPS program emerged, which may provide you with new opportunities to maintain your legal status.

Dive into the details and find out how these developments can positively impact your life in the United States. Jaskot Law keeps you informed and prepared so that you make informed decisions about your future in this country.

Table of Contents

    What is Temporary Protected Status?

    Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is an immigration program implemented by the U.S. Government. It was designed to provide temporary protection to nationals of countries affected by natural disasters, armed conflict or other exceptional circumstances that prevent them from returning safely to their country of origin.

    This program is crucial to provide shelter to people facing dangerous conditions in their places of origin. In addition, periodic renewal of TPS is essential to maintain this status and ensure that you continue to enjoy the benefits and protections it offers.

    Port of entry to the United States
    Both Temporary Protected Status and the recent TPS extension are valuable resources that provide new opportunities for TPS beneficiaries to obtain a better future in the United States.

    Countries that Implemented the TPS Extension

    In the context of the TPS extension, several countries took steps to ensure that their citizens have the opportunity to maintain their legal status in the United States. These include:

    El SalvadorEl Salvador’s new renewal deadline is March 9, 2025, giving Salvadoran beneficiaries more time to complete the renewal process.
    HondurasHonduras also implemented a TPS extension, which is extended until July 5, 2025, to renew status and continue enjoying the benefits of the program.
    NicaraguaNicaraguan citizens have the opportunity to renew their TPS until July 5, 2025, thanks to the extension announced by the Government of Nicaragua.
    HaitiThe Government of Haiti announced the TPS extension for its citizens until August 3, 2024, giving them more time to complete the process.
    NepalNepal also extended the deadline for TPS renewal until June 24, 2025, to renew their status and continue enjoying the benefits of the program.
    SudanSudanese citizens have the opportunity to renew their TPS until April 19, 2025, thanks to the extension announced by the Government of Sudan.

    If you are a citizen of one of these countries, and you are not sure how this TPS extension affects your situation or how you should proceed with your renewal, at Jaskot Law, we can guide you. Do not hesitate to contact us!

    Temporary Protected Status Renewal Process

    TPS renewal involves several important steps that beneficiaries must carefully follow. The fundamental steps are:

    Step 1 – Fill out the Application Form
    Applicants must complete the Form I-821, Application for Temporary Protected Status. It is an essential document to apply for TPS renewal.

    Step 2 – Proof of Eligibility
    Applicants must demonstrate that they are eligible for TPS renewal and that they meet all requirements established by USCIS.

    Step 3 – Renewal approval
    Once USCIS approves the renewal, beneficiaries will receive new employment authorization and a new Employment Authorization Document (EAD).

    Folders with renewal applications due to new TPS extension
    Thanks to this new TPS extension for certain countries, beneficiaries get more time to renew their applications and USCIS gets a longer period to review each application.

    Importance of Taking Advantage of the TPS Extension for its Renewal

    Renewal of TPS is essential, as failure to do so carries significant risks. These include:

    • Loss of legal status: If you do not renew your TPS on time, you could lose your legal status in the United States and face the possibility of being considered in irregular immigration status.
    • Deportation: Failure to renew on time increases the risk of being subject to deportation proceedings, which could separate you from your family and life in the United States.
    • Limitations: Failure to renew could result in the loss of your employment authorization, limitation of access to social benefits, and difficulties in traveling abroad.

    Do not risk your legal status in the United States; make sure you are aware of the deadlines, and complete the renewal process on time to avoid these potential risks. At Jaskot Law, we can provide you with that security.


    It is essential that TPS beneficiaries from El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Haiti, Nepal and Sudan be aware of this new TPS extension for the renewal of their immigration status. This extension provides a valuable opportunity for beneficiaries not to lose the benefits of this program.

    If you still have doubts about Temporary Protected Status, what it entails, and how it affects the extension of the renewal deadlines, don’t worry. Jaskot Law’s team of specialized lawyers is up-to-date with all the latest developments, so they can guide you with confidence.


    News – USCIS

    I-821, Application for Temporary Protected Status

    Employment Authorization Document (EAD)

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What benefits does Temporary Protected Status provide?

    By obtaining TPS, beneficiaries cannot be deported, cannot be detained based on their immigration status, can obtain travel authorization, and will be able to obtain a work permit.

    Does TPS lead to permanent residency?

    No, TPS does not lead directly to permanent residency, but you can pursue other immigration avenues while maintaining your TPS status.

    What should I do if my TPS expires while I am waiting for a decision on renewal?

    While your renewal application is pending, your TPS status is automatically extended until USCIS makes a decision.

    Kemel Cobresle
    Senior Content Writer at Jaskot | [email protected] | + posts

    Kemel stands out as a professional in writing and translating content for the Latin American market. With more than four years of experience, he began his professional career as a member of a research group, with which they dealt with various topics and wrote several scientific papers.