Immigration lawyers answer: What is a humanitarian parole?

Have you ever heard about what a humanitarian parole is? It is a way to allow people who do not qualify for legal immigration, but who have special humanitarian needs, to temporarily enter the United States. This measure is granted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and is used in cases where someone is unable to return to their country due to situations such as illness, violence, political or economic conflict, or natural disasters.

How and why to apply if you are Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, or Venezuelan?

If you are Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, or Venezuelan, and you are concerned about the situation in your country, then the United States has an option for you. At Jaskot Law, we will tell you, in this blog post, what is a humanitarian parole, how to apply for it, and what factors are considered when evaluating an application from these countries. We will do so in order to help you better understand this process, and to help you make an informed decision if you are considering applying.

Table of Contents

    What does parole mean in immigration?

    Humanitarian parole in immigration is a very particular type of admission to the United States, but not a visa. That is, although the passport may be stamped at the border like a visa, parole does not grant its beneficiaries lawful permanent resident(LPR) status.

    In short, it is a temporary stay permit issued at the discretion of USCIS for humanitarian reasons, such as political, social, or economic conflicts, natural disasters, or health issues.

    What are the requirements for humanitarian parole?

    Haitians, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, and Cubans who lack the necessary documents to enter as legal immigrants, but have humanitarian reasons to apply for parole, must comply with the following requirements:

    • There must be sufficient humanitarian reasons for the applicant to be in the United States.
    • Pass an extensive safety test.
    • Meet other eligibility criteria.
    • The beneficiary deserves to obtain an exercise of discretion in its favor.
    • Have a supporter in the United States who can provide financial support.

    Who can sponsor the parole applicant?

    Having a sponsor to serve as evidence that the applicant has financial support in the United States is critical when submitting applications. It is a key part for immigration, who may end up approving or disapproving the parole based on whether the applicant has a sponsor.

    The sponsor does not necessarily have to have an immigration status, but unfortunately, whether he/she is a permanent resident or citizen will not make the procedure simpler.

    business contract signing 2021 08 30 10 57 01 utc 1024x683 1
    It is always best if your immigration sponsor is someone you can trust.

    What are the benefits of parole in the United States?

    Upon obtaining humanitarian parole and entering the United States, the beneficiary will be immediately eligible for a wide range of benefits, such as a work permit and a social security number. This will automatically open the doors to a bank account, a job, and great possibilities to grow in the country.

    After obtaining these two benefits, the beneficiary, whether from Nicaragua, Venezuela, Haiti, or Cuba, will be able to apply for health insurance. This is done in two ways, the interested party can either apply for the policy through a personal process or obtain Obamacare by joining his/her sponsor’s insurance.

    On the other hand, beneficiaries of humanitarian parole are allowed access to vaccinations, food in public schools, as well as monetary assistance for a short period of time.

    Is it possible to apply for a work permit with parole?

    Only those users who comply with all provisions of the immigration law and do not violate the terms and conditions of the humanitarian parole will be allowed to be employed. In addition, to access work authorization, they must complete and submit Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization.

    working together to ensure he stays as healthy as 2022 11 29 22 40 08 utc 1024x580 1
    Health insurance for immigrants is essential to ensure their quality of life.

    How long does it last?

    As mentioned above, the humanitarian parole is a temporary stay permit. For this reason, its duration usually has a maximum extension of one or two years, as established by the USCIS.

    However, all is not lost once it expires. Users can anticipate its deadline and apply for another immigration status while they are still in the country. In fact, it is possible to obtain asylum status, permanent resident status, or some other type of visa if the appropriate instructions are followed.

    What steps should I follow to obtain it?

    As good as humanitarian parole is, the downside comes with the complexity of the process to obtain it. It is not simply filling out an application and sending it to USCIS, but consists of a series of steps that must be followed meticulously.

    First, the sponsor must file Form I-134A with USCIS on behalf of a Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, Cuban, or Haitian beneficiary, including personal information about them, and attaching contact information (a telephone number, address, or mailing address).

    Once the form is submitted and the USCIS discerns that it is sufficient to initiate the procedure, it will let you know the next steps to take to obtain authorization to travel to the United States along with consideration for temporary permission to stay at an airport. It is important to know that parole will be refused to those who enter through land ports.

    When the parole user arrives in the country, they will be screened by CBP, which will also request certain information from them. For example, a fingerprint examination will be performed for a biometric investigation.

    ready for vacation happy middle eastern family wa 2022 12 16 07 38 39 utc 1024x683 1
    If you enter with a humanitarian parole, make sure you enter through air.

    In short…

    Find out all about what is a humanitarian parole with our immigration lawyers. What is it? Who qualifies? How to apply? How can I get a sponsor?

    Although the process can be complicated, it is important to keep in mind that there are options available. If you need legal assistance in applying for humanitarian parole, at Jaskot Law, we offer specialized immigration services to help you navigate the winding road. Feel free to contact us for more information on how we can help you.

    What is a humanitarian parole?

    A humanitarian parole is a program that allows persons outside the United States to temporarily enter the country for humanitarian reasons. This program is granted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and is used to allow entry into the country of persons who would not otherwise be eligible for admission.

    Who is eligible to apply for humanitarian parole?

    Persons eligible to apply for humanitarian parole include those facing a humanitarian emergency, such as a serious illness, a death in the family, or the need to receive medical treatment in the United States. Individuals who need to enter the country to help a family member who is ill or in need of medical care may also be eligible.

    How do I apply for a humanitarian parole?

    To apply for humanitarian parole, it is necessary to file an application with the USCIS. The application must include detailed information about the humanitarian emergency justifying temporary admission to the United States. Documentary evidence demonstrating the person’s need to enter the country and ability to leave the country after the end of the admission period is also required.

    How long does a humanitarian parole last?

    The duration of a humanitarian parole varies according to the individual circumstances of each case. Normally, USCIS grants temporary admission to the United States for a limited period of time, usually several months. Once the period of admission expires, the person must leave the country unless a different immigration status has been obtained.

    How does a humanitarian parole affect obtaining permanent immigration status in the United States?

    A humanitarian parole does not guarantee permanent immigration status in the United States. However, in some cases, a humanitarian parole may be used as a basis for applying for adjustment of status to permanent immigration status, provided additional eligibility requirements are met.

    Theodora Carbel
    Senior Content Writer at Jaskot | [email protected] | + posts

    Theodora Carbel stands out as a content creator specializing in the Latino market, taking advantage of her deep knowledge in the field. Her academic background in Sociocultural Anthropology, and her extensive experience in Copywriting focused on U.S. immigration law, have been the foundations to her professional development.