New health insurance for undocumented children in New Jersey

Under the new “Cover All Kids” proposal, New Jersey’s Governor Phil Murphy has announced that health insurance for undocumented children will be expanded. The changes lie in the governor’s efforts to make medical coverage available to all residents of the state who are under the age of 19, regardless of their immigration status.

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    What is health insurance for undocumented children?

    With these innovations in the Medicaid program, an estimated 16,000 people will now be able to obtain insurance for immigrant children. Not only will this generate more inclusive and humane policies with all residents, but it will also improve New Jersey’s overall public health. As a result, Phil Murphy and his officials decided to allocate a budget of $11 millions to the project.

    At Jaskot Law, we tell you how to obtain health insurance while undocumented, the benefits of this new measure for young undocumented migrants, and what to expect in 2023.

    What does Medicaid’s extension in New Jersey imply?

    Changes and modifications have been applied since January 1, planning a date when Medicaid and health insurance for immigrants under the age of 19 will be extended.

    “This is not only the right thing to do morally, but the right thing to do for the future health of our state in all the forms that health takes,” Phil Murphy told reporters. He further added, “In addition, investing in regular and consistent health care coverage is a peace of mind investment.”

    It is important to note that these health insurances for undocumented immigrants in the USA will not put their beneficiaries in danger of becoming a public charge, nor will they affect their immigration applications. The goal of the program is to increase people’s opportunities, instead of decreasing them.

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    Everyone should have access to health care.

    All of this attests to the great efforts of the New Jersey government to ease the burdens of immigrants, with or without papers, by removing obstacles and providing them with a more liberated path to live in the country comfortably and safely.

    Statistics show that approximately 3.5% of children did not have health insurance for immigrants. This is highly serious, considering the economic difficulties many of these families have in paying for private health care, and the fear of being deported if they do so.

    How to obtain health insurance while undocumented?

    In principle, one of the eligibility criteria for immigrant health insurance is that the petitioning family must earn less than 35.5% of the federal poverty level, i.e., $8,210 per month for a four-member family.

    On the other hand, as always, a formal application must be submitted to the Medicaid program through NJ FamilyCare. Such application does not take into account the immigration status of the people and children who apply for it.

    In addition, a telephone number (1-800-701-0710) is available to the community, through which it is possible to complete this application and receive assistance from a health benefits coordinator.

    All these initiatives mean more inclusive policies, with less hate speech and xenophobia, which collaborate to create the country of migrants that the United States has always been. Denying undocumented immigrants access to health care means increasing inequalities and exclusionary ideologies. Therefore, the fact that large states such as New Jersey are innovating is a great step towards equal opportunities.

    Jaskot Law is a law firm whose goal is to provide the immigrant community with the best possibilities to adjust their status and live comfortably in the United States. Therefore, our team of experienced attorneys are available to help you get all the benefits you need.

    What is the requirement to obtain health insurance for undocumented children in the United States?

    To obtain health insurance for undocumented children in the United States, certain requirements established by each state must be met. In general, children must be under 19 years of age, live in the state in which the insurance is requested, and be residents of the country for a certain period of time. In addition, they must not have access to other health insurance, such as Medicaid, or CHIP.

    What is the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and how does it relate to undocumented children?

    The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is a federally funded health insurance program that provides health coverage to low-income children and their families who do not qualify for Medicaid. Although CHIP is available to undocumented children, each state has its own rules about who can qualify and how to apply for insurance.

    What is the difference between Medicaid and CHIP?

    Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are health insurance programs funded by the U.S. federal government that provide health coverage to low-income individuals and their families. Medicaid covers people of all ages who meet certain income requirements and other criteria, while CHIP provides coverage to children and youth under age 19 who do not qualify for Medicaid, but whose income is below the threshold established by their state.

    Can undocumented parents apply for health insurance for their children?

    Yes, undocumented parents can apply for health insurance for their children as long as they meet the requirements set by their state and do not have access to other health insurance such as Medicaid or CHIP.

    How can undocumented parents apply for health insurance for their children?

    Undocumented parents can apply for health insurance for their children through the ACA (Affordable Care Act), also known as Obamacare. However, each state has its own application process and requirements may vary. It is advisable to seek help from local organizations that can provide information and assistance with the application process.

    Theodora Carbel
    Senior Content Writer at Jaskot | [email protected] | + posts

    Theodora Carbel stands out as a content creator specializing in the Latino market, taking advantage of her deep knowledge in the field. Her academic background in Sociocultural Anthropology, and her extensive experience in Copywriting focused on U.S. immigration law, have been the foundations to her professional development.